Fingerless Gloves



Page 9

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Why is writing song lyrics like a weird itch that cannot be satisfied.

Oh what power - oh what devastation
Nothing left I can salvage
With my last breath
I die I die

Slowly I feel the dagger plunge
Let my mind slip into dream
Leave me my prison bound
There's a place for me

No-one will notice
It's where I belong
Isolated to eternal solitude
No one, no one, no one

Loved me, loved me
My demise is near
Oath goes out with a whimper
Why do I always have to chose?

And again!

Open your window in the night air
This feels so good to say
On the radio a piano player breaks the silence
And I'm the shade in the pear tree

Zaya sang in the swaying yard, but she was actually deaf
On a voyage south in the fall of the year
She's looking for the old man who stole her snow
It's the Judas/Angra beach I never got to dig

I want to hear that sweet song again
In the shade of the pear tree


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