Fingerless Gloves



Page 8

Welcome to the 'Corner'

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Okay here's one last one.

Well I treat you like my wife
My wife, my wife
Don't look back in anger
Just walk to your grave like your old life is still on the line

They're nailed into the ground flush with the driver's gate
Step out into the street in a dirty white coverall
It's like you're drowning and I've thrown you a life line
No one does it but nature takes its course

And the only things which slowly heal are laughter and love
And as the day turns to night
You'll walk through these doors slowly like smoke

And here's another one that I thought of while writing this one

So they ripped me off of my other business
And now I'm just a regular guy down on his luck
I'll ruin your fireworks
They'll tip the big old pile to ruin your day

Bitch with the needle
I'll take the air outta your jet
Just like the old T-38
I am a killer
And I'm a dead man walking


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